Video case study: Mental Health Telephone Advice & Guidance

48% of calls to the service have resulted in a referral being avoided. Watch this video to find out more.
Video case study: Mental Health Phone Advice & Guidance - Consultant Connect

South East London ICB

Video case study

Mental Health Advice & Guidance 

Delivering rapid Mental Health Telephone Advice & Guidance to clinicians

The Mental Health Telephone Advice & Guidance Project in Greenwich, which is commissioned by South East London ICB, is having a really positive impact on patient care in the area. Healthcare professionals are able to speak to mental health specialists from Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust, via telephone, in seconds.

This short video about the project features interviews with a commissioner, GP, consultant psychiatrist, service manager and community manager.

 In numbers

  • South East London ICB introduced immediate Mental Health Phone Advice & Guidance (A&G) in September 2018.
  • Their service comprises: Working Age Adult referral advice and Older Adult referral advice.
  • The average call connection time is 39 seconds.
  • Based on call outcomes, 48% of calls to the service have resulted in a referral being avoided.
  • This service complements Greenwich’s Phone A&G for physical specialties.




Connecting any health professional to mental health specialist advice, via telephone, in seconds

Click here to find out about Mental Health Phone Advice & Guidance 


A GP in Greenwich recently told us: ‘I had a patient who came in who needed some medication change in terms of depression. She’d just been started on some antidepressants, had been breastfeeding and then had experienced side effects. I wasn’t quite sure exactly what I should be changing. So I used the app and got directly through to one of my colleagues here at Oxleas, one of the psychiatrists.’ Click on our short video below to find out what happened next…

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