About the service:
NHSE announced recently that it would be pushing to make advice a more central feature of the process for referring patients for hospital appointments. This has looked like the direction of travel for the last few years, and there is no doubt that timely advice gets patients the care they need, often direct from their GP – our recently published Benchmarks prove this.
This is why we’re pleased to announce the launch of Advice and Refer by Consultant Connect. It links our advice platform, the most used in the NHS, with the e-RS referrals system. It is the easiest, most seamless way to review a patient’s case and, if necessary, refer that patient to a local clinic.
With Advice and Refer by Consultant Connect, you can:
- Set up and launch the system in under a month (less for existing Consultant Connect customers)
- Submit and review patient cases via the Consultant Connect App or desktop service
- Attach files, including photos, scans and documents from the ePR
- Review patient cases all on one screen, rather than having to download separate elements
- Use local consultants or the National Consultant Network to triage patients
- Refer patients directly to local clinics on e-RS within the Consultant Connect platform
- Automate updating of the ePR
It takes half the steps of the existing e-RS system on the superfast Consultant Connect platform. Don’t believe us? Watch this short video that shows how referrals are made:
100% appropriate e-RS referrals in half the steps
Our overview document illustrates how Advice and Refer by Consultant Connect works. Find out more and download your copy today.
Advice and Refer Overview Download Request
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