Carbon Reduction Plan

We are updating our Carbon Reduction plan and CSR policy.

If you have any questions, please email

As a supplier to the NHS that offers remotely-delivered services only, our existing carbon footprint is already relatively low. For example, onsite visits are very limited, and all of our services are delivered online.

Nevertheless, we are committed to achieving Net Zero by 2040, possibly earlier. We are in the process of reworking our current environmental policies and plans and engaging with an external partner to support us in making these even more robust.

One of the immediate actions included in our environmental plan is to rework our device recycling and disposal policies (laptops/printers).

Some of the ongoing initiatives we have implemented to support this are listed below:

  • Our commitment to reducing travel:
    • Consultant Connect’s working from home policy asks that staff to attend the office on average once a week, with our cycle-to-work scheme encouraging our employees to reduce unnecessary emissions. The majority of employees walk, cycle, use public transport, or the park and ride when coming to the office.


  • Our commitment to reducing office material consumption:
    • We review our consumption of toner and paper on a quarterly basis, encouraging staff to use electronic records wherever possible, and reducing the use of the printer.


  • Our commitment to minimizing on-site energy usage:
    • We regularly run quality assessments to ensure electrical products used are fit for purpose (e.g. through PAT testing etc. of electrical goods).
    • Our annual site audit and reaudit of existing products enables us to ensure that the devices used by staff mean lower energy usage (e.g. use of laptops and monitors over desktops)


  • Our commitment to understand CO2 impact:
    • We apply extensive review processes to understand the CO2 impact when selecting supplier partners e.g. the hosting of our technology platforms and our software partners.